What Can I Do?
There are many ways to protest, from simple letters to full blown street demonstrations. Since we are only at the beginning of the fight we are focussing on the simple things we can do.
Write to your MP
Radioactive Waste Management is a company wholly owned by The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, a government organisation. Our MPs are supposed to represent us in parliament so they are the people who can influence government departments. If you are lost for words we have prepared a draft letter for you to edit for your own use. Just click on the link below
The file is in Rich Text Format so you can open it with the Word Processor of your choice/
Write to local and county Councillors
The County Council leadership would like to pretend that there is nothing they can do. RWM's web pages and the government White Paper on nuclear waste disposal say that no project can go ahead without the support of the council. It also says that either side can pull out of the deal at any time. This means that if councillors decide to pull out of the deal it can't go ahead so we ask you to write to your councillors and urge them to reject any further involvement. To help you we have provided a draft letter for you to edit to meet your needs. As before just click the link to open it in the Word Processor of your choice.
Sign up for our newsletter
We'd like to be able to keep you up to date on any events we have planned. To do that we send out regular newsletters by email. .
Make a donation
You can help us cover the cost of taking the fight to the powerful. Keeping everyone informed is a costly business.
Posters are £6.00 each
1000 flyers cost £15.00
Ink cartridges for printers cost £30 plus
and a coach to take protestors to the fight costs £300.
Where they can our protestor pay their own way but a little help is always welcome. Just click on the Donate button and decide how much you want to donate.
Join the Facebook Group
A Facebook group has been set up for people to share information and ideas the group is called Guardians of the East Coast and you can access it by clicking on the Facebook Icon below.